The ASSETT Innovation Incubator is a community for members of the University of Colorado Boulder College of Arts & Sciences. Members of this community can be anyone who teaches, learns, or works in the college. We ask that members of the community, including registered participants in the 2023-26 Idea Submission process, behave in a manner that is respectful of all members of the community and the unique innovative ideas that they contribute to the incubator. As such, when sharing your own ideas and your comments on others’ ideas, or a bid to join a team — please do so with good intent, a cooperative spirit, and a generative approach.

Any ideas, comments, or bids to join a team publicly submitted on the ASSETT Innovation Incubator Idea Submission platform deemed abusive, offensive, or not within the bounds of our community code of conduct will be deleted from the platform. Any person who violates the code of conduct will be regretfully removed from the incubator community. Comments are moderated and comments made by anyone who is not a registered member of the ASSETT Innovation Incubator community will not be published.

Please play nicely!


The ASSETT Innovation Incubator Team